Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rough Cut

Okay, so here's our rough cut, and we have a lot of issues with it.

  • First of all the beginning is WAYYY too long. We had to cut it down, and right now it looks off because of cutting it down. So when we reshoot, we have a time frame we want to be in now which is 27 seconds (the beginning of Born this Way before she says "My mama told me...")
  • Second, the part where we talk is as well way too long, we don't have enough footage of shoots to go that long and we noticed that having the video of us talking was really boring, so instead of having a video, we're going to have a voice over of us explaining/discussing the movie. So while we're talking we'll have footage from photo shoots playing and stills of people. 
  • We're going to have to go over our script for what we're saying again to make sure that we don't go over a certain limit, or go off track and sound stupid. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Song for our video

another song we might use

song for our video

this could be one of the songs we will probably doing

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Story Board Write Up

Story Board

Bigger Is Better

The first frame starts of with a black screen. All of a sudden a light turns on and there is a chair in the middle of a dark room. On that chair there will be a fashion magazine. Then you hear someone walking into the room with heals and enters the frame (this women is a heavier women). She picks up the magazines and sits down. While she sits down she picks up the magazine and opens it. This women Flips threw the pages and sees the very skinny models. You can see on her face that she is not liking what she sees. She looks up at the camera and says “Fuck This” and throws the magazine at the camera. Frame Cuts. Its a black screen and the title shows up BIGGER IS BETTER.
The next scene you will have Amanda and Stephanie talking about there struggles for being heavier. We will also explain a little why we decided to do this documentary. We will show some images of us growing up as a kid while we talk as well.
Next scene we will see a women talking about her struggles as a women and what effects it had and has on her. There will be some images of this women's past. At the end of the scene there will be an image of her shown from a photo shoot she would have done with Stephanie.
Next scene there will be another person talking about being a heavier person in our society and how it effects her. Like how she sees herself, and how it makes her feel.
Next scene there will be a male take about how he feels about being heavier. We will be asking about his past and what people may have said to him to hurt him and what he felt. We will also be talking to him about certain measures he went threw to try and change his weight. As well since Stephanie will be doing a photo shoot of this person Amanda will be filming so we will be showing some video clips and a picture of him at the end of the scene.
The next scene we will have a average weighing person talk about when she was a heavier person and the struggles she went threw being heavier and while she was loosing the weight. We will be showing some pictures of this persons past and pictures from the present time, so people can see the difference.
The next scene we will have Amanda and Stephanie talk more about how they feel about being heavier and end the documentary on a high note, but with a clear message.
The last scene we will be showing the pictures of everyone in the video with music in the back ground.
Last frame will be credits

It Is kind of hard to tell you what each person will be say exactly and how the atmosphere will be different for everyone. We would like to capture some emotions and try to help our viewer understand what its like to be heavier, also to show what the media and what “normal” weighing people can say or do to hurt us.
Documentary will be 5 mins long about.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Great Idea That We Will Be Going With

To start of our video we have decided to:
camera pointing at a chair with a seamless background.
you hear a girl walk in with heals
then you see her walk into the frame and picks up a magazine from the chair and sits down.
she look threw the fashion magazine and is disgusted with what she sees
she looks at the camera says "fuck this" and throws the magazine at the camera

then our title pops up
Amanda May Blais
Stephanie-Laura Teresiuk

Multimedia Project

To start off the documentary we would like to have someone explain what the documentary will be about and why we decided to do it. Or maybe we will have a mini slideshow of pictures of the two of us growing up and we will talk about why we wanted to do a documentary on this subject.

We'd like to capture how bigger men and women feel about how our society treats bigger people and all the peer pressure of being skinnier affects them everyday. We would like to to film men and women and ask them how they feel about them selves, as well we would like to try and ask different questions and they will be able to answer which ever the questions they feel most comfortable answering. Since Stephanie is doing her portfolio on Plus Size people, Amanda will be filming the models while Stephanie’s photoshoots are going on. And after the shoot is done, we will film them answering which ever questions they feel comfortable with. We are also thinking about talking to people who used to be heavier and lost the weight, how they feel now, and they felt then. In this documentary we will be showing some pictures that Stephanie took during her photoshoot as well as video footage from the shoots. We will also do some voice overs for people how are not comfortable to show them selves on camera.

So far for our project we have been filming during Stephanie’s photo-shoots. We have been also coming up with some questions to ask people. We have been taking notes and really going in depth on what we will be shooting and getting ready to shoot.

Some Questions

how do you feel being an over weight person in this society?
have you always been over weight?
does it make you feel any different shopping in a plus size store or in the plus size section?
what was is hard growing up as a kid being over weight ?
what was it like to be over weight? how did you feel while loosing weight? how did people treat you before and after?

Thursday, February 10, 2011


This will be a documentary on women and men who wear more then size 14. 

We will be doing the movie in Black And White because we think that it will have a better impact then if it was in colour. 

The reason why Amanda and Stephanie are doing this is because Stephanie is doing her final portfolio on plus size model. 

Bigger Is Better Elevator Pitch

Amanda Blais & Stephanie-Laura Teresiuk

The true feelings of a plus size woman
Exploring the true feelings of plus size women, what they think and how they feel, focusing a lot on the medias influence. We will be interviewing different women, and we get all their different opinions. We will have a variation of video interviews, some video with people talking in the background that aren’t necessarily in the video being shown.